Cooking a hearty pea in a Redmond slow cooker. Pea porridge in a slow cooker: recipes Pea porridge with chicken

A slow cooker is the perfect pot for making peas. The pea in the multicooker Panasonic, Redmond, Polaris and in other models turns out to be delicious in taste. Without soaking, peas can be made from split peas.

Ingredients for peas in a slow cooker:

  • 2 multi-cups split peas;
  • 4 multi cups of water;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Pea in a slow cooker: a recipe for cooking step by step

How to cook delicious peas in a slow cooker? Split peas for peas can not be pre-soaked. Whole dry peas, of course, are best soaked overnight. Go through the peas and very well, in several waters, rinse it. Put the peas in a slow cooker. To prevent the peas from foaming and running out of the bowl during cooking, insert the steamer basket and close the lid before turning on the multicooker.

In what mode (program) and how much to cook peas by time in a slow cooker

Pour four cartoon cups of water. Salt a little. Close the lid. Activate the "Extinguishing" menu button, set the time to 2 hours. After the signal, the pea in the slow cooker is ready. Add salt to taste. Can be served with

Pea porridge, also known as pea porridge, is a dish of Russian cuisine, which, before the advent of potatoes, was extremely popular both on the peasant and on the noble table. A simple Russian pea is made from dry peas boiled in water, followed by the addition of butter, fried meat or onions to taste. It is very tasty, affordable and hearty meal which is sure to please many.

Today we will cook peas in a slow cooker. To do this, prepare the products according to the list. My recipe uses split peas that have been soaked overnight in 1.5 liters of cold water.

Before you cook peas, prepare a fry for dressing our porridge. To do this, fry the onion and meat cut into pieces in hot oil until golden brown. I have a multicooker model that comes with a frying pan, I fried it on it. If you have a different model, then fry the onion and meat in the bowl on the "Frying" mode, then transfer to another dish and prepare the bowl for boiling peas.

Rinse the soaked peas, put in a multicooker bowl and pour cold water so that it covers the peas by 2-3 centimeters. Turn on the "Soup" mode and cook until the end of the program. In my multicooker, this mode is 40 minutes.

Cook under the lid, periodically removing the foam with a slotted spoon.

At the end of the program, the peas should be well boiled. If he didn't absorb O most of the water, then the excess liquid can be drained, then add it little by little when you start to crush the peas so that the porridge does not turn out too thick.

Mash the boiled peas with a masher (or puree with a blender), salt and pepper to taste, then mix with the finished roast, which must first be warmed up a little.

Pea in the slow cooker is ready! Serve hot, sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Pea puree or peas work very well in a slow cooker. In addition, this miracle saucepan allows you to cook not only a side dish, but also the main dish at the same time. For example, pea mash with cutlets - hearty lunch for a hungry husband.

According to this recipe, peas can be cooked in a slow cooker without soaking. And the preparation itself will take you a minimum of time and attention. It’s not like cooking porridge from peas on the stove and running around stirring it all the time so that it doesn’t burn.

It is very convenient to have semi-finished meat products in the freezer own cooking(cutlets, meatballs or zrazy).

The ingredients in the recipe are given for two servings of the second course. You can increase them if you wish, but you do not need to change the cooking time.


  • Peas 1 cup (chopped)
  • Minced meat - 300 grams or frozen cutlets,
  • Water - 1.5 cups,
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter - 50 g.

Cooking process:

Wash the peas well in running water. Preferably several times. I soaked the peas for an hour, if I had not soaked, the puree would have turned out thicker. But I would like to note that after a couple of hours the pea itself becomes thicker.

If there are ready-made meatballs in the freezer, you can cook them. I have just pre-frozen homemade cutlets. I cooked peas for 2 servings, so I put two things in a steamer tray. If not ready - ready! You can also cook sausages or sausages for peas at the same time.

We put the peas in the multicooker bowl. Fill with water, salt. Put the meatballs on the steamer basket.

And in the "extinguishing" mode, we cook all 2 hours.

At the very end, before serving, add to the pea puree butter and mix well.

If the puree sits for a while, it will thicken. But this time I did not get a thick puree.

In general, the proportions for cooking peas in a slow cooker are one glass of peas for two glasses of water. If, nevertheless, a thick porridge is obtained in the process, you can add water, or dilute it with boiling water at the end of cooking, mix and cook for a minute on “baking”. It all depends on the pea, on its variety.

for the recipe and step by step photos thanks to Svetlana Kislovskaya for preparation.

Bon appetit and good recipes!

Time: 120 min.

Servings: 4-6

Difficulty: 2 out of 5

Cooking a hearty pea in the Redmond slow cooker

Porridges are a necessary component of the daily diet of an adult and a child, because they provide the body with the necessary energy, are a source of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Pea dishes taste great. We recommend that you try to cook a delicious and nutritious pea in the Redmond slow cooker.

Pea is a viscous porridge made from whole or chopped cereals, it was this dish in Rus' that was one of the main ones. Simple porridge has not only excellent taste, it is rich in vegetable protein, which is easily absorbed by the human body.

Today, modern housewives practically do not prepare main dishes from this cereal, but in vain. Pea can become a full-fledged second course, and you can cook it in various variations, adjusting the recipe at your own discretion. In addition, for this dish you will need a minimum of products that everyone has in the kitchen.

A lot of pea recipes make it possible for any housewife to experiment and cook something new and original every time. Cereals for porridge can be cooked without pre-soaking if there is not enough time to prepare the side dish. It is worth noting that classic recipe implies a long soaking of peas (about 10 hours), this is how much time it will take to sufficiently soften the peas, which will help to significantly reduce the duration of its heat treatment.

The main secret of a delicious dish is to rinse the grains under warm water, and then pour boiling water for about 15 minutes, this will speed up further cooking.

When creating a pea, you should take into account some features of cooking peas:

  • If the cereal is not pre-soaked, then the timer on the menu bar will need to be programmed for 2 hours. Swollen grains take half the time to boil.
  • If the multicooker is not equipped with a special steam outlet, then after the completion of the selected program, the dish will need to infuse for 10 minutes.
  • The pea will come out tastier if you replace the water with milk, and flavor the dish with butter before serving.
  • There is no need to stir the porridge during the cooking process, because thanks to the non-stick coating, the groats will not burn.
  • It is necessary to cook peas until all the liquid is completely absorbed. If there is still a small amount of water inside the bowl before the end of the program, extend the simmering time by a few minutes.

Now you can try a simple pea recipe. A quick-to-make side dish that everyone will love.

Step 1

Prepare all the ingredients you will need to make the peas.

Step 2

Rinse the pea grains thoroughly under running water, getting rid of impurities.

Step 3

Transfer the washed peas inside the multicooker bowl, and then fill it with the required amount of liquid.

Step 4

Set the “Stew” program on the menu bar, selecting the “Vegetables” product type, set the cooking time to 2 hours.

Step 5

After the corresponding signal, you must turn off the multicooker. Let the dish brew for a while, then you can open the lid and enjoy the wonderful aroma of the dish.

Step 6

Arrange the pea on plates and serve it on the table with meat, fish or vegetable salad. It is worth noting that the pea can also be served as an independent dish. Bon appetit everyone!

Among all the cereals, peas are the least common on our table. This is due to the fact that housewives have difficulty preparing this porridge. If you want the dish to be tasty, then it is best to use a pressure cooker: it will be easy to make an appetizing side dish with it.

A dish familiar from childhood is not only healthy, because it contains a large amount of vitamins, but also has excellent taste. Properly cooked pea porridge in a slow cooker turns out to be very soft, uniform and delicate in taste. The device helps to cook cereals both with and without soaking. There are secrets on how to cook pea porridge in a slow cooker:

  • Salt at the end. In salt water, the intensity of boiling is weaker. If you do not want the porridge to be tough, it is better to put salt before turning off the device.
  • Soak. To quickly cook porridge and get rid of a specific smell, you need to fill the cereal with water for several hours. Without soaking, it is impossible to remove the film that covers each pea.
  • Additives. To get gastronomic pleasure, the dish must be served with vegetables, meat or fish, diversified with smoked meats.

Pea porridge in a slow cooker - proportions

Porridge tends to swell and increase in volume during cooking. Given this fact, you need to add the required amount of liquid, otherwise the cereal will come out thick. The optimal proportions of peas and water for porridge are 2:1. If you want the side dish to be edible the next day, then it is better to stick to a 3: 1 ratio - this will allow the bean porridge to be nourished and not be dry.

Recipe for pea porridge in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 450 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

If your home has a slow cooker, then cooking delicious cereal dishes can not be a problem. The miracle pan will allow you to make a lean on the water or a meaty second for lunch without special efforts. Russian cuisine offers many options for cooking this cereal, consider the simplest of them. submitted step by step recipe cooking pea porridge will help you master the technology of making thin or thick porridge and adapt it to your needs.

  • whole peas - 150 g;
  • water - 400 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • sunflower oil - 20 g;
  • salt.
  1. Rinse the beans, cover with water, leave to swell. This will allow the porridge to reach readiness faster, boil well.
  2. Use a multi-glass to measure the correct proportion of peas and water. Pour everything into a bowl, butter. Set the mode "Beans" or "Extinguishing" for 1 hour.
  3. After the signal, add oil to the pea, then you need to shift the dish from the multicooker, otherwise it may thicken.

With smoked meats

  • Cooking time: 1 h 40 min.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1800 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This recipe will give you tasty dish without pre-soaking. Fragrant porridge with bacon, sausage or smoked sausages will become one of your family's favorite dishes. Diversify the usual menu with an unusual main course - and be sure to get positive feedback from the household. Pea porridge with smoked meats in a slow cooker, it is very easy to prepare, all the ingredients can be found in the refrigerator.

  • peas - 300 g;
  • broth - 600 ml;
  • smoked meats - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cream - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • seasonings.
  1. Rinse the peas well, put them in a bowl, pour in the broth and turn on the “Stew” mode for an hour.
  2. Lubricate the preheated pan of the device with oil, put the smoked meats and onions. Fry for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After the beep, pour cream over the pea porridge.
  4. Add frying or sausages to the finished mass, let it brew.
  5. You can serve after 20 minutes.

Excellent recipes for pea porridge cooked in a slow cooker

Peas are by far not the most popular type of cereal, but in vain. Pea dishes are not only tasty and nutritious, but also incredibly healthy. Thanks to our selection of recipes, you will learn how easy it is to prepare pea porridge in a slow cooker.

The classic recipe for making pea porridge involves the use of peas and butter, a dish is prepared on the water. Even the use of a minimum set of products allows you to reveal all its hidden taste qualities. Pea porridge is not obtained in a slow cooker-pressure cooker at all as we would like, so give preference to cooking in modern kitchen appliances.

The so-called pea is usually prepared with the addition of meat products: smoked ribs, pork or chicken meat, as well as stews. Pea porridge with chicken in a slow cooker is cooked quite quickly, it turns out creamy and unusually tender, and with smoked ribs - fragrant. The calorie content of the cooked dish can be adjusted using a different amount of refined oil.

It is worth noting that cooking pea porridge is from a certain type of cereal, split peas are best. To make it boil faster, you will need to fill it with water in advance. This must be done about a couple of hours before the start of cooking.

In order to properly cook pea porridge in a slow cooker, it is worth choosing the proportions of cereals and water. If the ratio of these components is 3: 1, you will get a liquid and tender porridge puree, but if it is infused for half an hour, it will acquire a thicker consistency.

The recipes below with photos will allow you to cook pea porridge quickly and without any hassle.

Pea porridge with meat

If you want to please your family with something special, then pea porridge with pork in a slow cooker will come in handy more than ever. How to cook it in the easiest way, find out from the recipe below.


Step 1

Rinse the peas in cold water.

Step 2

Cut the pork tenderloin into pieces. Place inside a preheated multi-cooker bowl, which is pre-lubricated with refined oil. Cook on the "Frying" mode for 20 minutes.

Step 3

After 10 min. add finely chopped onion and grated carrot. Sprinkle everything with salt and spices, cook until the end of the regime.

Step 4

Pour the washed peas along with seasonings, as well as bay leaves.

Step 5

Pour in the required volume of hot water, set the "Porridge" program for 1 hour 10 minutes.

On a note: Can be used instead of water meat broth, the cooked dish will be much tastier and more satisfying.

Step 6

Since unsalted pea porridge is first cooked in multicookers, the recipe involves adding a small amount of salt at the final stage of cooking.

Now mix the contents of the bowl and arrange on plates.

Recipe with stew

Such a porridge with stew does not require a lot of time. Thanks to the use of a semi-finished product, it will be possible to create a full-fledged second course.


  • Dry pea groats - 200 gr.
  • Boiled water - 630 ml
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Pork stew - 1 b.
  • Butter - 20 gr.
  • Green onion feathers - 3 pcs.
  • Bay leaves - 1 pc.
  • Ground pepper - 3 gr.
  • Sea salt - to taste

Step 1

Fill the peas with water, leave overnight to swell.

Advice: For this dish, both whole and split peas can be used, thanks to soaking, they will quickly boil.

Step 2

Peel the carrots, cut into half rings of medium thickness.

Step 3

Rinse the swollen groats under running water, put inside the bowl along with bay leaves and chopped carrots.

Step 4

Step 5

Put the oil, add sea salt and pepper, cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 6

Mash the pea grains with a pusher, add the semi-finished product from the can. Hold the dish on the “Heating” mode for 10 minutes.

Serve it hot, sprinkled with finely chopped onion feathers.

Hearty porridge with smoked meats

A dish with smoked meats strikes both with an unusually bright aroma and rich taste. It can be served both on the everyday and on the festive table.


  • Pea groats - 260 gr.
  • Smoked ribs - 6 pcs.
  • Water - 420 ml
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Corn oil - for frying
  • Spices - according to your taste preferences

Step 1

First you need to prepare all the components of the dish according to the list.

Step 2

Soak the peas for about 2 hours (use cold water for this).

Step 3

Rinse pea seeds under running water.

Step 4

Onion cut into large pieces. Pour refined oil into the bottom of the bowl, add chopped onion. Then fry it for 5 minutes. Then you can add peas.

Step 5

Remove the valve from the lid of your multicooker and select the "Extinguishing" program for 2 hours.

Step 6

Now add chopped pork ribs to the contents of the bowl.

On a note: Instead of ribs, you can use any smoked meat that will enrich the dish with a special flavor.

Step 7

Cook everything for 15 minutes. Pea porridge with smoked meats in a slow cooker turned out to be creamy, so it does not need to be further pureed.

Sprinkle each serving with chopped dried herbs before serving. Enjoy your meal!

Another version of this dish:

Secrets of experienced chefs

  1. Lean tender porridge with vegetables will turn out more fragrant, if with onions, add garlic, as well as carrots.
  2. How much to cook cereals depends on what consistency the dish will be. The standard cooking time is about an hour and a half. In order to get acquainted with each stage of preparation, it is best to first study the step-by-step recipe and watch the video.
  3. Before cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker, you should carefully sort and rinse the cereal. There is not much difference in the taste of the dish if green or yellow peas are used. Cook with the peas you like best.
  4. To give pea porridge in a slow cooker a special flavor, it is not at all necessary to cook it only with smoked ribs, delicious side dish it will turn out even if you use only spices and seasonings.
  5. Pea porridge in a slow cooker without soaking takes longer to cook, so you should take this into account before setting the duration of heat treatment.
  6. Delicious pea porridge in a slow cooker is obtained only when you cook it with inspiration and love. Do not be afraid of culinary experiments, because they will be appreciated by your whole family.

That's all. We wish you delicious experiments!

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious pea porridge in a slow cooker

Many do not like to cook pea porridge, as it takes too long to cook. And there is not always free time to soak these beans. However, using a multicooker for cooking will greatly simplify this procedure.

Do I need to soak peas before cooking in a slow cooker?

Peas are hard varieties of grains that need long cooking. Whole fruits are boiled for one and a half to two hours.

In order to reduce the cooking time, it is customary to soak these legumes in water for several hours. But still, cooking such a dish requires regular intervention by a person who must periodically stir the grains so that they do not burn.

To simplify the process of cooking pea porridge in a slow cooker, the use of a slow cooker will help. You just need to fill the bowl of this kitchen assistant with ingredients, select the appropriate mode and set the time on the timer.

Because of this, you can easily do other things and not be distracted by watching the cooking of pea porridge. In addition, pea grains can not be soaked, but it will take a little more time to cook. Therefore, only housewives should make a choice regarding soaking.

Step by step recipe

  • purified water - 4 tbsp.;
  • crushed peas - 2 tbsp.;
  • butter (butter) - 50 g;
  • salt.

Time: 130 minutes.

Pea porridge with onions and cracklings in a slow cooker

  • split pea grains - 300 g;
  • salt;
  • large onion (gram 100);
  • turmeric - 15 g;
  • water - 700 ml;
  • bacon (can be replaced with bacon with meat layers) - ¼ kg.

Time: 150 minutes.

  1. Cooking should begin with sorting out the peas, it may contain a variety of debris that remained after production;
  2. Then it is important to thoroughly wash the legumes with water until it becomes transparent;
  3. We place the grains in the bowl of the multicooker and fill them with boiling water;
  4. Flavor with turmeric, add salt and tightly close the lid of the appliance;
  5. Cooking for 2 hours by setting the "Extinguishing" program;
  6. Before completing the preparation of porridge, you should prepare the remaining components;
  7. We separate the husk from the onion, then chop the vegetable into large cubes;
  8. Bacon slices must also be chopped, only chopped into strips of medium thickness;
  9. We transfer the cooked porridge to a bowl, which we wrap in a towel so that the workpiece does not have time to cool;
  10. We fill the washed and dried bowl with crumbled bacon, select the “Frying” mode and heat the product until its size is halved;
  11. Then we also lay the onion, continue cooking until the onion reaches the desired level of roasting;
  12. We supplement the frying with porridge from a bowl, mix abundantly and, having selected the “Heating” program, leave for about 15 more minutes.

Recipe for pea porridge with meat in a Redmond slow cooker

  • beef tenderloin - 200 g;
  • large bulb;
  • pea grains (chopped) - 1 tbsp.;
  • pork pulp - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • frying oil - 50 ml;
  • spices;
  • steep boiling water - ½ l.

Time: 110 minutes.

  1. It is better to wash the meat components of the recipe and blot with napkins in order to get rid of excess moisture;
  2. We cut the meat into the desired pieces, most importantly - not very large;
  3. We coat the bottom of the multicooker with oil and lay out the meat pieces on it;
  4. Having set the “Frying” mode, you should fry them until whitened;
  5. While the meat is frying, it is worth preparing the onion. We peel off the husk from it and chop the vegetable into small squares;
  6. We supplement it with meat frying, crush it with spices and slightly add some salt;
  7. We continue frying until the onion is browned;
  8. Going through the peas, we separate it from possible debris;
  9. Then be sure to thoroughly wash the beans;
  10. We add pea grains to the onion-meat mixture and pour with boiling water;
  11. We change the program to "Extinguishing", do not forget to close the lid;
  12. The meal should take approximately 1.5 hours to prepare. After the beep, you should try the cooking and add more salt if necessary.

Salad with smoked chicken And Korean carrots
You can cook according to one of the recipes in our publication.

Recipes for Sunflower salad with chips are in this article.

From here you can take your favorite bird's milk cake recipe.

Recipe for pea porridge with smoked meats in the Polaris slow cooker

  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • carrots - 1 root crop;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • purified water - 2 tbsp.;
  • favorite smoked meats (ribs, pulp, sausage) - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • crushed pea grains - 200 g;
  • onion head - 2 pcs.

  1. Peel the root of the carrot and chop it using a grater;
  2. We chop the onions peeled from the husk with a small cube;
  3. We set the “Frying” program on the multicooker and grease the bottom of its bowl with fat;
  4. We send chopped vegetables into it and pass them until soft;
  5. While the components are amenable to heat treatment, it is important to rinse the legumes;
  6. Load clean peas for frying, fill with water;
  7. The new mode is “Beans” (if this is not the case, then “Extinguishing” is also suitable), and the time is 1.5 hours;
  8. Chop the smoked meats into pieces suitable for the dish, transfer them to a bowl;
  9. We clean the garlic cloves and, using a press, squeeze them to the chopped meat component;
  10. When 20 minutes remain before the end of the specified program, you should add garlic and meat slices to the prepared porridge with vegetables and, of course, mix abundantly;
  11. After the beep, you do not need to immediately open the lid, but leave it for another 15 minutes so that the dish is infused.

Recipe for pea porridge with vegetables in a slow cooker

  • yellow pea kernels - 1 tbsp.;
  • pepper (sweet) - 1 large;
  • cream (not very fatty) - ½ tbsp.;
  • oil - 40 ml;
  • bulb;
  • filtered water - 3 tbsp.;
  • salt;
  • hops-suneli - 10 g;
  • large carrots;
  • basil (dried) - 10 g.

  1. Prepared vegetables should be cleaned from the top contaminated layers and seeds;
  2. Wash thoroughly under water and chop them with thin sticks;
  3. We coat the multicooker container with oil and set the “Frying” program;
  4. First, lay the onion and carrot slices, pass them until soft;
  5. Then turn the pepper, after adding it, stew the substance for about 5 more minutes;
  6. We fall asleep vegetable frying with pre-washed beans, pour liquid;
  7. The new mode is “Extinguishing”, and it will take 2 hours;
  8. We supplement the substance with salt and spices, close the lid;
  9. After the end of the program, it is important to set "Heating" and leave it like that for 15 minutes.

  • when choosing peas in a supermarket, remember that chopped grains cook much faster than whole kernels;
  • do not neglect procedures such as sorting and washing legumes. They may contain debris from production and dust;
  • if you want to cook pea porridge tomorrow, but you don’t have enough time to cook it, then in the evening fill the grains with water, the volume of which should be 4 times the number of beans. Periodic fluid replacement will not hurt either;
  • You can cook peas not only in plain water. It is not forbidden to replace it with meat or vegetable broth;
  • before soaking pea kernels, dilute a little soda in water. So the grains will become even softer;
  • add various spices and your favorite herbs to the dish, even if they are not indicated in the recipe.

Another recipe for delicious pea porridge cooked in a slow cooker is in the next video.